Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Episode 4: Boys Will Be Boys

Eugene starts to work up the courage to talk to his secret crush as Patty grows more and more frustrated with that "guy from the library.


Anonymous said...

I notice my last comment was removed, figures. Just more crap about Ryan telling people what a good president he is. Oh and the whole vietcong statement...try "I learned this while in Vietnam," not "I learned this while in Vietcong." Anybody know what the Vietcong were? Hopefully so.

Again it's a good thing Derek Bondt is in this thing.

Ryan Gallant said...

Haha. Lighten up would ya?
And I didn't say a thing about being President in any of these videos. I didn't even appear in any of these videos. I mean if you're going to attack me for being full of myself for being President, you may as well accuse me of being full of myself for everything else too.
PS. It was Derek who made the Vietcong comment. Don't trash him and then praise him. Seems a little too hypocritical. Even for you. Whoever the hell you are.
But seriously. Lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Are you the knob who protests against jaywalking?

Ryan Gallant said...

Who me? Or anonymous? Or Derek?
Haha, yeah that's me. We even have a video about it. Check it out:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you people be protesting a war, or hunger or saving the whales or something?

Jaywalking. Sheesh.

At this rate, you'll be all worried about RRSPs before you procreate.

Ryan Gallant said...

Haha. Well I think it is possible to "protest" for more than one cause. I would think my particiaption in tuition or Make Poverty History or AIDS rallies would be proof enough of this.
Plus I think the three-vehicle accident on University Avenue today shows that this isn't just a trivial little issue. Someone is going to die or get seriously injured there. And yes, I am against jaywalking causing death. So sue me.

Anonymous said...

Dude you talked about how hard it was being president and whatnot...oh sorry, Eugene did. You fucking dummy. And about your j-walking sign "hit me, I'm lazy"...dont worry, I wont hesitate. People like you give plagiarism a bad name.

Ryan Gallant said...

Who plagiarised who? I am dead serious. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Eugene did not say anything about being President or the Student Union or even UPEI. He made a general statement about human relations and trust. It was a bullshit statement, but whatev.
Thanks for the threat to hit me. Real mature.
No video this week, sorry not to give you any more material. I'll try to throw together a protest or something next week so you can have something to bitch about.

Natalie Pendergast said...

Hi Anonomous. I don't know who you are, but you clearly have no balls. It's so easy to criticize others when you get to hide your identity. At least if Ryan has opinions about something or someone, he isn't afraid to have his name attached to it.