Tuesday, November 09, 2004

...And now for something completely different: The Rants of a University Student (#15)

Well they've done it again. Americans have proven that there is no stereotyping when it comes to selecting a President of the United States. In fact, anyone can be re-elected nowadays, even if they're a total dumb ass with no concept of democratic rights and who wouldn't know a grammatically-correct sentence if it slapped him in the face.
Yes, my good friend Dubya has been re-instated as the commander and chief of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Does this not scare anyone else? Well yes, of course it does. Israel and Russia were the only countries looking forward to his re-election. Hmmm... I wonder why.
This is a man who in his first four years has thrown his military all over the world, destroyed the U.S. economy beyond recognition and who is partially responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. The only thing different about this term is that this time he knows that he'll never have to face the electorate again. That's a comforting thought, isn't it? Well, the quasi-democratic federation of Russia thinks so.
Well, either way I guess it's four more years of this right-wing nutjob behind a huge-ass nuclear arsenal. Personally, I'm cheering for another pretzel.
Results aside, what the hell is wrong with that electoral system? Hint: When designing a voting system in any conventional democratic society, there should not have to be legal intervention every damn time there's an election. I mean come on, even Belarus couldn't screw it up this bad. There are 50 states and 50 voting systems, each with their own unique problems. Wonderful. Here's an idea. Forget punching cards and computerized voting and all that crap: mark an 'X'. People who cannot read and who cannot merge in traffic can even mark an 'X', hell, I bet even Bush could do that.
Downtown Charlottetown. Make it your own. Riiight. Here's an interesting note about downtown Charlottetown. Can someone tell me why the Confederation Court Mall closes at 5:30 on the weekend? I mean the Charlottetown Mall is bad enough with its' prostitots and teenage rent-a-cops and Shaun Desmond wannabes, but 5:30? Come on. And yes, I know, Charlottetown is a great place to raise your kids and grow a garden and blah blah blah, but if I don't happen to be one of the people that goes to bed at 7:30 on the weekend, then how the hell am I supposed "make Charlottetown my own"? Jerks. I know, I sang the praises of our fair city just a few weeks ago, but those commercials are driving me nuts. And don't get me started on those parking kiosks.
Usher, could you please tell me what the hell a Boo is? Because your damn song with Alicia Keys is driving me insane. The kind of insanity that sends me into random fits of rage while I'm driving. And Britney, do you even know what a "prerogative" is? Can you spell it? Yeah, didn't think so. Your prerogative is to shut the hell up. Pop quiz
Lloyd Banks: Spot the subordinate clause in this phrase: "...fresh out the gutter, too smooth to stutter, the cig a melt a brother like two scoops of butter." Forget that. What the hell does that mean?
Simple Plan is getting ridiculous with their frigging tortured soul ballads Honestly guys, what were these terribly traumatic events and oppressive obstacles that you had to overcome as four white guys growing up in the middle class suburbs of Montréal? Daddy wouldn't buy you a new car and you had to go to parties in a wood-paneled station wagon? Awwww, muffin. Magic 93 is killing me.
Well, other than the trailer park forming on campus-south and the random things that I choose to complain about, not all is bad here at UPEI, nor all across this great country of ours for that matter. We have one reason to thank for this, and that is the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Canadian soldiers who fought and gave their lives, and continue to do so on a daily basis, to ensure that out freedom and ideals are protected. So for all you punks that I overheard this week complaining that you didn't want to wear a poppy because it was "dirty" or because you didn't want to pierce a hole in your precious jacket, suck it up and show your appreciation for the men and women who gave up their right to enjoy their youth and to an education so that someday we would be able to partake in those same benefits.
Lest we forget.

Have a good one!

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